Hello, I'm a novice writer and this is my first blog.

Living with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia 


I have suffered the effects of dyslexia and dysgraphia all my life. But it never stopped me from trying hard to learn. Even though it always took me longer to complete a learning process and achieve the qualification.


After completing a Diploma in science, I immigrated to England 52 years ago from the Middle East to study and work as a nurse. I was familiar with the English language but unable to speak or write it; ever since, my life has been a roller coaster of highs and lows.


Writing my autobiography has been lingering on my mind for many years. But life, businesses, bringing up children, and helping to bring up a grandson have taken priority. Above all, the fact that dyslexia and dysgraphia cause slow and labour-intensive reading and writing didn’t help.


Two years ago, I retired from the nursing profession. When the desire to write my story returned to me more robust than ever before, I would write so many pages and, due to lack of confidence, tear it up and convince myself that it was not good enough and nobody wanted to read it.


To become competent, I enrolled on a ‘Creative Writing Course’ over a year ago. Then a friend gifted me a one-year subscription to ‘Writing Magazine’ as a birthday present. What a great gift! The articles offer lots of encouragement to new writers.


Since the beginning of my writing journey, I’ve written ten short stories but non published yet. I’m now blogging on mimihorne.blogspot.com.


I’ve recently taken up painting, which helps me be more relaxed and creative also lessens difficult emotions.


After a lifetime of living with dyslexia and dysgraphia and hiding it, I’m coming out of the closet! I’ve built some confidence to talk about it and not be embarrassed anymore.


I feel I have a duty to raise more awareness of dyslexia and dysgraphia; during childhood, teen years and later on in life by drawing on my own experiences.


On this platform, I welcome all writers with difficulties in writing or reading and encourage open discussions hoping that we can all help each other.




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